Please note that when you purchase products of this nature you should do so in consultation with your medical / healthcare provider.
Please note you purchase at your own risk. We do not accept any responsibility, risk or liability for any adverse reactions, effect or likewise. We provide the highest grade certificated products available (to our knowledge), we have had outstanding reviews and feedback but please respect that everyone is different and we cannot take into consideration your personal medical or health condition(s).
Please also note that when we give help with your questions we are also at the same time not qualified to answer any medical questions and you should always consult a medical professional.
Any questions you may have concerning your use of drugs, medications, or supplements should be directed to your healthcare provider.
Information and products are meant for general use only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or provide medical advice.
This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.
Information and products are meant for general use only.